Vagrant with Nixos


This document explains how to use a Vagrantfile and a set of scripts to automate the deployment in a Nixos virtual machine of the tools needed to follow the Plutus Pioneer Program. I created it to facilitate my own experimentation with the Playground and with the compiler directly from a shell, for learning purposes.

I share it in the hope that someone may find it useful, if this is the case, just give me a star!

Any feedback or contribution is welcome. You can check the repository here:



  1. Clone the repository and enter its directory:

    git clone
    cd plutus-pioneer-nixos-vagrant

  2. Install the plugin vagrant-disksize:

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize

  3. Customise anything you want, mainly by editing two files:

    • Vagrantfile: to change things like which weekly wrapper script to use for the first run, and the amount of memory and hard disk to be provisioned.
    • Nixos-Plutus-Scripts/configuration.nix: to change any configuration related to the deployment of the operating system, for example to include an additional package. For more information visit
  4. Deploy the service: this action may take around a half hour to download and build the system, depending on the resources available.

    vagrant up

  5. Connect to the system when the previous process is finished.

    vagrant ssh

  6. Plutus services may take some additional minutes to be ready once the system is up. The status and work in progress can be checked with the following commands.

    systemctl status PlutusPlaygroundServer
    systemctl status PlutusPlaygroundClient
    journalctl -f -u PlutusPlaygroundServer
    journalctl -f -u PlutusPlaygroundClient

  7. Once the services are ready, the two listening ports (8080 and 8009) will be ready to accept connections. In order to check it, run the following command:

    netstat -an |grep -e 8080 -e 8009
    Proceed to connect to the Playground client using a web browser to the address:
    Accept any certificate warning to move forward.

  8. To update Plutus to other versions required by weekly exercises, two options are provided along with doing it manually:

    • By using the week's appropriate wrapper script, i.e:
    • Or by using the generic script passing a commit ID. Please note that the install command tries to install from scratch (deleting first), whereas the update command tries to update the installation in the existing directory.
      /home/vagrant/NixOS-Plutus-Scripts/plutus.bash install 400318e0976b82e0ba7692edf26d93293589c671
  9. Find the exercises for every week under /opt/plutus-pioneer-program/, i.e. to compile week01 code:

    cd /opt/plutus
    cd /opt/plutus-pioneer-program/code/week01/
    cabal update (only the first time)
    cabal build

  10. Update the repository weekly as the pioneer program progreses, by

    • Running the script:
    • Or manually using git, i.e.:
      cd /opt/plutus-pioneer-program
      git pull
  11. If you want to access the exercises sources from the Host system to edit it with your usual tools, you can move the folder to /vagrant directory, i.e.:

    mv /opt/plutus-pioneer-program /vagrant/

  12. Finally, remember to suspend/halt or even destroy the virtual machine when not in use according to your preferences using any of the following commands:

    vagrant suspend
    vagrant halt
    vagrant destroy
    Start it again by issuing another:
    vagrant up


Dieter Buricke

Dieter Buricke

Hi Josep, that seems to be a really smart solution for getting feedback of the users for that site! It's always amazing, what nice tools there are for many problems. Now I have to read one more documentaion (Staticman), because I want to know how it works. Thank you again for that further improvement of the usability of this site! Dieter